Balanced Life Financial Group
Its Time For You To Prosper

Many people are stressed about their finances, unsure how to get ahead.
Balanced Life Financial Group guides you step by step through a financial plan to take away the stress,
so you and your family sleep well at night knowing you are achieving your goals with your finances on track.

Our Services include

Grant Thomson

Director And Financial Adviser


Grant has over 20 years’ experience in business. He is a qualified Financial Adviser with an Advanced Diploma of Financial Services (Financial Planning), specialising in Risk Insurance, Superannuation strategies, budgeting, cash flow management, debt management / reduction, estate planning, investments and wealth creation.

He has considerable previous experience having founded, grown and successfully sold his own multi-million dollar group of companies in the energy and software technology sectors. He also has experience with International Finance previously based in Hong Kong.
His passion is to help others succeed. He spends time regularly troubleshooting, coaching and encouraging individuals, entrepreneurs, business people and professionals with their finances, start ups, growth strategies and strategic planning.

Grant is confident that most people can reduce stress and accelerate their prosperity with some carefully thought through plans and improvements. Grant and his team provide a listening ear, analysis, research and assistance with applying the right approach, tools, products and services to help clients get out of debt, grow their wealth and achieve their goals. All with the peace of mind their money is working best for them.

Grant is a competent and relatable business and finance professional with exemplary work ethic and customer friendly communication skills. He is a true leader and strategic thinker. Grant is passionate about customer satisfaction and end-to-end planning and efficiency to deliver need fulfilling products and services. Grants experience as a coach and leader has given him splendid skills in client communication, retention and management. When you meet Grant, you will very quickly feel comfortable that your needs are paramount and will be fulfilled in the best possible way. Creating a momentum of well-being and holding your best interest highest, are always his number one goals.

He also believes it is important a business should provide people with an an ongoing support service of accountability, monitoring, assisting and being there when needed so clients do not feel alone, stranded or deserted once their initial advice has been initiated.

Grant is passionate about thriving in Balance. Helping people get ahead whilst maintaining a healthy balance in life is what makes him tick.
He believes there is a lot to manage and balance in today’s fast paced world and most people struggle to have the time to develop a high competency in everything that needs attended to, managed or fixed.

Grant is a family man. As a father of 10 children, this keeps him rather busy! A former representative rugby player and national sportsman he’s always got an eye on the footy results. He and his family are actively involved in community projects through their local church.

Grant created Balanced Life Financial Group to be a trusted adviser people can turn to and rely on to help people excel in their financial goals and execute an exciting path towards the life they dream of.

James Fowler

Senior Investment Strategist

James has worked in finance for over 15 years; primarily as a financial advisor, a stockbroker and a mentor and teacher of financial planning. After 7 years progressing the executive ranks with Westpac and CBA, he stepped away from the big banks, to run a financial planning practice with Bridges (IOOF). James specialised in working with mass affluent clientele offering personalised investment strategies including high yield and defensive share portfolio’s, stockbroking, primary market trading and retirement planning utilising various taxation structures. He is well versed in Self-Managed Super Fund structures and strategies.

The results James produces for clients had him sought out by many to manage their portfolios. James believes that by utilising direct equity strategies you can cut the cost of your portfolio down, have greater transparency as well as greater flexibility in strategies such as deciding when to take capital gains, receiving full franking credits, dividend reinvestment strategies as well as rights issues. This creates a cheaper more flexible approach to investing that allows you to take advantage of whatever the current market conditions are.

James’s knowledge and experience and results he achieves for clients has him in demand. He provides mentoring and training to advisors within the Financial Services industry and through a private college, he teaches all areas of financial planning, mortgage broking and taxation to Accountants, Financial Planners and new entrants to the industry.

James has a balanced approach to life as well and loves what he calls “the magic that is his life.”

His life is made of three distinct passions: Family, Boxing and Finance

James believes being effective as a father, boxer and money manager requires traits more similar than you might think…. Being patient and in control of your emotions. Finding happiness in the simple things. Grinding through the repetitive, as well as having the courage to step outside the box and be creative. And, most importantly, being consistent; showing up every day and putting in the work.

Truely Thomson

Marketing Coordinator

Truely has over 3 years’ experience in customer communications for executive insurance companies, giving her a good understanding of the financial industry. Truely then moved into Internal Review Auditing and was responsible for overseeing all communications between clients and staff.

She has an eye for detail, passion for all things creative and a natural flare for digital media. Truely now co-ordinates social media and marketing activities within the Balanced Life Financial Group.

Truely is goal centred and passionate about helping people understand their finances, get ahead now and thrive in their future.

Truely is one of 10 children. Coming from a family of 12, she is quick witted and a very family orientated person.

Sue Smith

Practice Manager

Sue started her own business in 2006 as a Risk Specialist, being mentored by an insurance advisor that had been in the industry for over 25 years. She built her business by growing strong referral relationships and in 2012 decided to do more study and become a full holistic Financial Planner.

By 2014 Sue had grown her business to incorporate 3 other advisors and a full time Practice Manager, working out of an office in Mooloolaba Qld.

Sue then sold this business and decided to take a different career path joining the FinancialLink Group as their Practice Development Manager in July 2018. This job allows Sue to use all of her skills and knowledge to help other Financial Planning Practice owners to grow their business’s , whether it be helping with staff KPI’s to building and strong brand or implementing a new Business Plan.

Sue has a good understanding of industry compliance requirements and understands what a healthy thriving, compliant Financial practice looks like.

Sue works closely with the Balanced Life Financial group team to ensure they operate effectively and compliantly, offering the best possible financial advice to their clients.

Wilbert Chhua

IT Manager

Wilbert holds dual degrees from Monash University – Commerce and Business Information Systems.

He commenced his professional career in business advisory at a mid-tier accounting and financial planning firm, where he worked successfully for several years.

He is now following his real passion for applying online marketing strategies and innovative technologies in financial services.

Useful Resources

Client Manuals

We have developed an extensive collection of guide series for clients. They comprise a unique collection of  financial planning and accounting materials for any one interested in managing their finances as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Client Newsletter

Our newsletter is published on a monthly basis and designed to keep you up to date with news and important information relevant to accounting, business, investments, superannuation and taxation. Sign up for our newsletter today.

Diary Notes

Our diary notes cover topics relevant to client needs. We address topics such as taxation, superannuation, business issues, financial planning, intergenerational planning, investments and more. Most visitors find these notes highly relevant to their situations.

Recent Diary Notes